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New insight into neurotransmitter mechanisms occurring in schizophrenia

Using human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), researchers have gained new insight into what may cause schizophrenia by revealing the altered patterns of neuronal signaling associated with this…

Is the pattern of brain folding a "fingerprint" for schizophrenia?

Anyone who has seen pictures or models of the human brain is aware that the outside layer, or cortex, of the brain is folded in an intricate pattern of “hills”, called gyri, and “valleys”, called…

Is OCD a risk factor for schizophrenia?

People with a prior OCD diagnosis and those whose parents have the condition may be at higher risk of developing schizophrenia, according to the results of a Danish study.

Motivation deficits in schizophrenia driven by difficulty assessing effort

Individuals with schizophrenia often have trouble engaging in daily tasks or setting goals for themselves, and a new study from San Francisco State University suggests the reason might be their…

Schizophrenic brains get stuck in the twilight zone

People with schizophrenia struggle to turn goals into actions because brain structures governing desire and emotion are less active and fail to pass goal-directed messages to cortical regions…

Epigenetic tie to neuropsychiatric disorders

Flawed dopamine signaling linked to mass alteration of gene activity in prefrontal cortexDysfunction in dopamine signaling profoundly changes the activity level of about 2,000 genes in the…

Schizophrenia’s genetic ‘skyline’ rising – suspect common variants soar from 30 to 108

The largest genomic dragnet of any psychiatric disorder to date has unmasked 108 chromosomal sites harboring inherited variations in the genetic code linked to schizophrenia, 83 of which had not been…

Slight decrease in brain volume associated with antipsychotic drugs

A study just published has confirmed a link between antipsychotic medication and a slight, but measureable, decrease in brain volume in patients with schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia patients have significant impairments in their ability to control working memory

The inability to ignore irrelevant stimuli underlies the impaired working memory and cognition often experienced by individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, reports a new study in the current issue…

Inflammation in maternal blood linked to schizophrenia in offspring

Maternal inflammation as indicated by the presence in maternal blood of early gestational C-reactive protein – an established inflammatory biomarker – appears to be associated with greater risk for…