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Genetic Test May Predict Risk Of Schizophrenia

Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have developed a test that can predict how likely an individual is to develop schizophrenia. The scientists combined data from several different types of studies in order to identify and priorit…

New Genetic Findings: Gifts Of The MAGI In Schizophrenia And Bipolar Disorder

These findings are not about the classic story of gift-giving, although the MAGI genes (officially named membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing proteins) do influence brain function in important ways. MAGI1 and MAGI2 are gen…

Brain Structure Affected By Psychiatric Medications

It is increasingly recognized that chronic psychotropic drug treatment may lead to structural remodeling of the brain…

Schizophrenia – Antipsychotic Drugs Significantly Reduce Relapse Risk

Five decades worth of evidence demonstrates that antipsychotic drugs can decrease the risk of relapse in patients with schizophrenia by 60% The study, published Online First in The Lancet, shows that patijdents taking antipsychotics also have a consid…

Schizophrenia case study: Heather

Heather shows disordered unorganized thoughts in her conversations. The odd facial expressions she displays when she speaks is a side effect of the antipsychotic medication she is on. While some antipsychotic meds do not produce such side effects, not all schizophrenics response well to such medication.

A Case Study in Schizophrenia

A summary of current understanding of this psychological disorder.