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Imaging technique uncovers protein abnormality in motor neurone disease

Researchers have used a new technique to identify pathological abnormalities associated with motor neurone disease.

Studying how serotonin alters locust’s sense of smell

Researchers study the role of serotonin in altering odor driven behavioral and neural responses in locusts.

Better understanding cerebral palsy pain types could lead to better treatment

Pain management is a crucial part of the disease’s care, but little is understood about how to manage it properly.

Noninvasive measurement of gene expression at target locations in the brain

Bioengineers have developed a noninvasive tool to measure gene expression and gene therapy delivery in specific brain regions using ultrasound.

Memory loss in aging and dementia: Dendritic spine head diameter predicts memory in old age

Over the course of life, memory fades with varying degrees, robbing older people of the ability to recollect personal experiences. This progressive, nearly inevitable process has long been hypothesized as a consequence of nature’s removal of dendritic …

Cocaine discovery could pave way for treatment for substance abuse

Cocaine binds to a specific transporter in the brain that is responsible for regulating dopamine levels. Researchers have studied and described the process, producing new knowledge that may bring us a step closer to designing a drug for cocaine abuse.

Walking the walk, scientists develop motion-compatible brain scanner

An upright neuroimaging device developed by neuroscientists, physicists and engineers allows patients to move around while undergoing a brain scan.

Processing traumatic memories during sleep leads to changes in the brain associated with improvement in PTSD symptoms

Currently, the first-choice treatment for PTSD is exposure-based psychotherapy, where therapists help rewire the emotions associated with the traumatic memory in the patient’s brain, shifting from fear and arousal to a more neutral response. However, u…

Dozing at the wheel? Not with these fatigue-detecting earbuds

To help protect drivers and machine operators from the dangers of drifting off, engineers have created prototype earbuds that can detect the signs of drowsiness in the brain. In a new study, the researchers show that their Ear EEG platform is sensitive…

Dopamine treatment alleviates symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers have discovered a new way to combat Alzheimer’s disease. They found that treatment with dopamine could reduce characteristic harmful beta-amyloid plaques in the brain as well as improve memory. The treatments works because dopamine promotes…